Westcountry travelers

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Team WcT
WcT kids
Recent travels

Within the first few hours of getting this up and running again we had 4 unique visitors. That may not sound like much but that means that 3 of you checked out the site straight away! Cheers. You can't buy that kind of loyalty.

Team WcT kids

Alot has happened since we started with Team WcT. Many of us have increased our family size! seeing as we are all spread out over several countries now I thought we could dedicate one page on the site to the kids. So send me photo's of the little treasures and we'll get that going, I've got the ball rolling allready (see the kids page).

Let's climb mountains.

At last we're making another attempt at this! Why? Because several key members of team WcT are due to go exploring one of Norways most exciting mountain ranges.
  Jotunheimen, with peaks up to 2'469m, is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Norway (For those who want to exercise). The English contingent arrives here on thursday 27th july and are planning a 4 day trip. When I get the chance to talk to the phantom woodsman (or phantom mountainman) then I'll fill in more details. Anyway, the option is now here to share the pictures so be sure to take loads.



These people are models and are in no way connected to team WcT

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